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458 Woodstock Road
Available Sq.Ft. 0 Zoned Commercial/Residential Prop Type Bank,Convenience Store,Country Store,Light Manufacturing,Office Building,Retail Strip,Shopping Mall,Storefront,Warehouse
It has been said that the highest and best use of this landmark Woodstock property would be a combination of constructing multiple residential units, in the private rear acreage, and commercial development, of the highly visible Route 4 road frontage. There is no question of the unlimited potential! Highly visible! Well located, on the East End entrance route to Woodstock Village! This property owned by Gerrish Corporation, commonly known as "Woodstock East," located at 458 Woodstock Road, Woodstock, Vermont, contains 4.5 acres, more or less. The property is located in the Commercial/Light Industrial Zone, allowing a multitude of commercial, industrial and residential uses of the property. The property was the site of a substantial gasoline spill in 1973. However, the property was enrolled in the Vermont Brownsfield Reuse Environmental Liability Limitation Act program (10 V.S.A. §6641-§6656) in 1999 and was successfully remediated. On June 5, 2012 the Vermont Commissioner of the Agency of NaturalResources signed a Certificate of Completion, thereby providing protection to third party purchasers of the property pursuant to 10 V.S.A §6653(a) from any liability arising from any contamination on the property which occurred prior to that date, making this one the safest properties in Vermont from a pollution liability perspective. Location, location, location!! See
MLS Property & Listing Details & 40 images. Includes a Virtual Tour
$2,000,000 | $333 per sq.ft.
2706 East Woodstock Road
Available Sq.Ft. 5000 Zoned hamlet commercial Prop Type Business w/ Real Estate,Country Store,Free Standing Building,Historic Building
INVESTMENT & RESIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITY - Rare historic building (The Taftsville Country Store) available for owner occupancy with multiple additional income units in the village of Taftsville. Just five minutes to the quintessential New England Village of Woodstock! Property includes store with bath (approved for restaurant, café, or retail store), Post Office (with current lease), Apartment 1 (with excellent AIRBNB rental history), Apartment 2 (The owner's unit- 3 bedroom, 2 bath), and plans/space for an additional studio unit. Perfect opportunity for an investor to offset living expenses with this multi-unit property, or just have a super fancy home office downstairs. Potential diversified income streams with hospitality, residential rental, and retail/ food service all in one property. Current owners have redesigned and graded the parking lot to include 27 parking spaces and EV Conduit for 2 charging stations that can accommodate 4 vehicles, ADA access to building, and ADA accessible restrooms. Property boasts gorgeous patio views of the Ottauquechee River and Taftsville Covered Bridge. See
MLS Property & Listing Details & 60 images.