Woodstock Vermont MLS Listings Commercial Listing For Sale

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VILLAGE OF TAFTSVILLE IN TOWN OF WOODSTOCK VT Commercial Property for sale $$2,000,000 | $333 per sq.ft.


2706 East Woodstock Road Available Sq.Ft. 5000   Zoned hamlet commercial Prop Type Business w/ Real Estate,Country Store,Free Standing Building,Historic Building

INVESTMENT & RESIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITY - Rare historic building (The Taftsville Country Store) available for owner occupancy with multiple additional income units in the village of Taftsville. Just five minutes to the quintessential New England Village of Woodstock! Property includes store with bath (approved for restaurant, café, or retail store), Post Office (with current lease), Apartment 1 (with excellent AIRBNB rental history), Apartment 2 (The owner's unit- 3 bedroom, 2 bath), and plans/space for an additional studio unit. Perfect opportunity for an investor to offset living expenses with this multi-unit property, or just have a super fancy home office downstairs. Potential diversified income streams with hospitality, residential rental, and retail/ food service all in one property. Current owners have redesigned and graded the parking lot to include 27 parking spaces and EV Conduit for 2 charging stations that can accommodate 4 vehicles, ADA access to building, and ADA accessible restrooms. Property boasts gorgeous patio views of the Ottauquechee River and Taftsville Covered Bridge. See MLS Property & Listing Details & 60 images.