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$149,000 | $89 per sq.ft.
1590 US Route 5
3 Beds | 1 Baths | Total Sq. Ft. 1668 | Acres: 2.1
This 1850 Saltbox farmhouse is livable but needs work and is ready for it's new stewards. Loads of potential on 2.1 acres which is primarily level and has room to cultivate and grow food. A 3 minute drive to Westminster center and 9 minutes from Putney center. Bedrooms do not have own source of heat (there were electric baseboards). There is a separate workshop with electric and insulation and a shed/old barn that needs work. Huge potential and a way to get into the market and own property. Seller was not the primary owner and has limited knowledge. Sold "as-is". Refrigerator and dishwasher need replacing. See
MLS Property & Listing Details & 7 images.