Pomfret Vermont MLS Listings Land / Acres For Sale

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POMFRET VT LAND  for sale $$800,000 | 248.3 Acres  | Price Per Acre $0

$800,000 | 248.3 Acres | Price Per Acre $0 POMFRET VT LAND FOR SALE ON BROOK/ BARNARD BROOK

0 Stage Road Waterfront Owned 1600 Ft. of shoreline | Acres 248.3   

A kingdom size 248 acres straddling hilltops connecting the towns of Pomfret and Barnard! Truly a parcel of a dynamic scope that would typically only be found in the more rural of locations! However, the numerous well known amenities of Woodstock Village are only 4.5 miles and just a few minutes away! Skiing at Saskadena 6 is little more than a mile away! The current owners who wisely assembled several land parcels to create this volume of acreage are dedicated to conserving significant parcels of land within our community. For over 20 years their property has been thoughtfully managed as a tree farm. Woods roads have been created with the added benefit of enhancing access for recreational use. Antique stonewalls and remnants of several old stone foundations reveal timeless evidence of early settlers from when Vermont was young! An internal elevated peak climbs to 1650 feet! Ancient maples abound throughout! A 166.7 acre portion of the property was acquired from the Vermont Land Trust and is subject to permanent conservation restrictions allowing agricultural, forestry, open space and other uses. No permanent residence may be constructed in this conserved acreage. An 81 acre portion of the parcel which is located in Pomfret is not similarly conserved. The entire acreage is enrolled in the Vermont Current Land Use Program. The location of the property is significant and conservation well justified. An extraordinary opportunity to assume stewardship of a recreational paradise! See MLS Property & Listing Details & 22 images.