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Price Change! reduced by $54,000 down 16% on February 6th 2025
$345,000 | $35 per sq.ft.
Commercial Property, in 526 Meriden Road Lebanon NH | Space type Garage,Industrial,Mill Building,Office Building,Self Storage,Warehouse Kennebec lumber subdivision,    MLS# 4994145

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Listed by Linda Gray Perfect Choice Properties, Inc. on May 5th 2024
526 Meriden Road Lebanon NH 03766


10,000 square feet of building space is here for your next agricultural or in-home business. 5188sf of storage space includes garage access doors. 4707sf of warehouse storage space and two storage rooms which are approximately 550sf each. So much storage and possibilities here. A main office building with half bath is a great place to start. The 3 bay garage can accommodate large vehicles. All this on 6.6 acres with 648 feet of road frontage on Route 120 (Meriden Road) and lots of frontage on Great Brook. This is a great location with plenty of space for parking. Hanover, Grantham and Concord are just a short drive for conveniences. Only blue buildings go with the property. Sellers are maintaining the right for a non-compete covenants for wood milling business.

Building Type : Industrial | Land | Office

Misc : Additional Outbuildings | Wetlands | In-Unit Bathroom

Sale Includes : Additional Buildings | Garage | Land/Building | Outbuilding
Price per SQFT | 34.50 Net Income| 0
Management Expense-| $0
Insurance Expense -| $0
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Steel Frame | Price Per SQ.FT. 34.50 | Year Built: 1970
No. of Units-| 1
Building Size | 10000
Available SQFT | 10000
Building Type: Industrial | Land | Office
Roof: Metal | Shingle - Asphalt
Garage And Parking: Driveway | Off Street | On-Site | Parking Spaces 11 - 20 | Unpaved
Road Frontage: 648
Heating: None
Cooling: None
Electric: Circuit Breaker(s) | On-Site
Utilities: None | Other
No. of Docks | 0.
No. of Drive Doors | 10000.



Lot size: 6.6 acres
Zoned: RL-1
Flood Zone: Unknown
Road Frontage: 648
Taxes $8,576  | Assesed Value $0 in